If You Have Been Hurt In An Accident, We Are There To Assist You. We Are Lawyers That Care. Contact Us at (207) 408-3636.
Lewiston Attorney With More Than 30 Years Of Legal Experience
Maine law firm can help you overcome family law issues, receive compensation for personal injury and deal with delicate probate proceedings. Michael L. Dubois, P.A. Attorney at Law has over 36 years of experience dealing with often-delicate matters. The firm handles family law, probate and personal injury and is located in Lewiston, Maine.
Getting what you deserve during divorce proceedings: Without the proper legal guidance, you can lose out during divorce proceedings. Michael L. Dubois, P.A. Attorney at Law can help you get your fair share in court. The firm also deals with child custody, support issues, parental rights and responsibilities and mediation. Contact a family law firm you can trust today and start a new chapter in your life with everything you deserve.
If You Have Been Injured, Our Firm Fights
For Your Rights
You do not have to be victimized twice. If you have been injured, Michael L. Dubois, P.A. Attorney at Law can fight for you. Our firm represents clients in mediation and court proceedings and looks out for your interests. If negotiations do not live up to your expectations, Michael L. Dubois, P.A. Attorney at Law is prepared to go to trial and stand up for you.
The last wishes of a loved one are very important. Our firm can see you through the difficult and delicate probate process and inform you every step of the way. We deal with all aspects of probate and are knowledgeable about the complexities of probate law. You owe it to your loved one to contact a skilled probate lawyer.
Contact A Law Firm You Can Trust In Lewiston, Maine
Contact Michael L. Dubois, P.A. Attorney at Law in Lewiston, Maine today. Call (207) 408-3636 or
contact the firm online to schedule an appointment. Attorney Michael L. Dubois has over 36 years of legal experience.
Client Testimonials
"Treated me quite well. I was always treated with respect. I was kept up to date. And I would definitely hire you again. I think you were very smart when it came to the law and helped make the right choices to get the best results in my case. Very happy with how everything turned out."
Contact Now For A Case Evaluation
Have You Been Injured In Maine?
Maine law allows the victims of accidents caused by negligence to seek compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial harm they have suffered. An injured party seeking compensation in Lewiston, Maine may file a negligence claim with the help of a personal injury attorney. Generally speaking, negligence is the failure to exercise a reasonable level of care. In order to receive compensation in a personal injury lawsuit, the injured party must prove that the defendant owed them a certain duty of care and breached it. They must prove that the breach of care resulted in an injury that would have been foreseeable to a reasonable person, and that they suffered damages as a result of the injury. A Lewiston personal jury attorney can assist in proving this to a judge, jury, or insurance company.

The Role Of A Family Law Attorney
Family law can encompass many rather difficult and emotional issues, including child custody, divorce, paternity, adoption, child support, parental rights, and visitation. When dealing when such very personal events in Lewiston, ME, it is of the utmost importance to have a family law attorney you can trust on your side.
When you are fighting for your rights in a family law case, which attorney you choose to represent you really does matter. If you are a party to any of the following matters, it is vital that you speak to a Maine family law attorney as soon as possible:
When it comes to one of the most common family law actions, divorce, most people do not realize that Maine is not a community property state.
Maine instead adheres to an equitable distribution statute when dividing marital property. According to the theory of equitable distribution, as long as the division is seen as fair by a judge, marital property does not have to split evenly down the middle. Any property that was owned by one party before entering the marriage will also remain with that party and will not be divided as part of the marital property. The uncertainty of equitable distribution can make things a bit more complicated than they would be if you were divorcing in a community property state. Property division in Lewiston, ME requires the expertise of an experienced family law attorney.
What Is Probate Law?
Probate law, sometimes known as elder law, is the area of law that encompasses estate planning, wills, trusts, and Medicaid planning. As we each age, it is extremely important that we consult with a trusted Maine probate law attorney to make arrangements for those we love; our spouses, our children, and our family and friends. We also must decide how to assign our assets, in the event of our death or incapacitation. If you are ready to start planning the way you want to care for your loved ones after you are gone, it’s time to contact a probate law attorney in Lewiston.

Office Location
588 Main Street
Lewiston, ME 04240
Phone: (207) 408-3636
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